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2023 infographics: extensive review of European plant-based dairy alternatives

05 December 2023



A series of 6 infographics providing a visual at a glance representation of the key findings of two 2023 publications:

  1. A comprehensive analysis of the nutritional profile of over 300 plant-based dairy alternatives (PBDA) in Europe(1)

  2. The role of PBDA within healthy sustainable diets(2)

The infographics are available to download individually as jpegs or PDFs and as one collection.

All 6 infographics as one collection

Infographic 1: Embracing a sustainable future: plant-based dairy alternatives

Drawing on key findings from both publications, a call to action for stakeholders regarding PBDA.

Infographic 2: The nutritional profile of plant-based dairy alternatives in Europe and their role in sustainable healthy diets (2-pages)

A summary of the publications’ key aims and objectives with top line analysis of PBDA: type and number of PBDA analysed across Europe, frequency of fortification and with which micronutrients, number of products which were sweetened vs unsweetened.

Infographic 3: Nutrition profile of PBDA in Europe

A comprehensive analysis of macro and micronutrients of plant-based drinks and plant-based alternatives to yogurt.

Infographic 4: Nutritional adequacy of PBDA

The nutritional profile of PBDA in context of their dairy counterpart and what this means for nutritional adequacy (2-pages).

Infographic 5: Environmental impact of plant-based drinks in Europe

Using Poore & Nemecek 2018 European datasets, four bar charts comparing the environmental footprint of three plant-based drinks with European dairy milk.

Infographic 6: Fortified plant-based drinks lower the environmental footprint without compromising the nutritional quality of sustainable diets

The nutritional and environmental impact of the EAT Planetary Health Diet when the 250mL daily dairy milk allowance is replaced with a fortified soya or oat drink.

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Series of six infographics on the nutritional profile and role of plant-based dairy alternatives in Europe

Original research

New insights: Nutrition comparison of plant-based dairy alternatives in Europe

Original research

Plant-based dairy alternatives: enhancing healthy and sustainable diets

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Series of six infographics on the nutritional profile and role of plant-based dairy alternatives in Europe