Scientific Board /

Prof. Anna Arnoldi - Honorary Member

Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Milan. Board member since 2007, honorary since 2023



Dr Anna Arnoldi is Professor of Food chemistry and Dietary Products at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Milan. She is responsible for the food chemistry and molecular biology laboratory and has been the chairperson of the department and past president of the Undergraduate Course in Herbal Sciences and Technologies. She has a history of collaboration with nutritionists, pharmacologists, and physicians. Professor Arnoldi’s main research interests include: health promoting components of grain legumes and other seeds (soya bean, lupin, pea, hempseed) and nutraceuticals for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

ResearchGate profile

“For over 25 years the Alpro Foundation has promoted plant-based diets for human and planet health. Awareness creation is crucial for our future and safety.”